At Minsterley Primary School we believe that learning is a change to long term memory. We intend to create knowledge through spaced repetition and backwards and forwards learning. Our curriculum is built around repeated opportunities to strengthen key concepts. Opportunities are provided to revisit these skills within different mathematical contexts and across other areas of the curriculum especially science.
To ensure that all of our children acquire news skills and knowledge sequentially and with a deep understanding that can be built upon, we utilise the Whiterose maths mastery material and have worked in partnership with our local NCETM mathshub (SHaW) for a number of years now.
We aim to provide a curriculum that promotes enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning mathematics through practical activity, exploration and information discussion in order to create mathematicians, who are able, confident and fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
Please see below for further information.
Maths at Minsterley an overview 2023 2024