
Choosing Minsterley Primary School

We are delighted that you are interested in Minsterley Primary School. We are very proud of our school and would be very happy to show you around. We would encourage you to visit during school hours so that you will get a real flavour of the work we do with the children, the school environment and atmosphere.
If you would like to come and visit the school in person please call us on 01743 791398

Applying for a School Place

From 1 September 2024. Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating all requests for places at our school.

We welcome prospective parents to visit our school.  If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link – Synergy – Homepage (

Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our school’s oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.

Any specific requests for information on admissions should be directed to the Admissions Team on 0345 6789008 or Email

The school has an admission number of 23 for the Reception Year intake in 2023/2024.

Parents of Reception Year children in Shropshire will be required in the autumn term prior to the school year of admission to complete a Local Authority application stating preferences for up to three schools.

Admissions Policy Minsterley school 24-25

Minsterley Admissions policy 2025-26