Minsterley is a ‘Community’ School and is therefore not governed by any specific religious denomination. The RE curriculum is mainly Christian and children are given insight into other faiths through multi-ethnic themes.
The Governors have adopted the Shropshire Standing Council policy on Religious Education (SACRE) which we believe gives children broad and sensible insights into aspects of this area of the curriculum through its “Agreed Syllabus”.
Children meet together for assemblies, either as a whole school or in year groups. These include the sharing of achievements, moral and human themes, birthdays, singing and prayers. Members of Minsterley Parish Church lead worship on alternate Fridays through an ‘Open the Book’ assembly where Bible stories are acted out. The vicar of Minsterley also leads an assembly each month.
Parents may choose to exclude their child from Religious Education and Collective Worship. Any parent wishing to do so should let the school know in writing of their intentions. Alternative provision can then be discussed with the headteacher.
Please click the link below to the Minsterley Curriculum