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Year 1/Year 2 Class


Teacher: Mrs Leonard

Teaching assistants: Mrs Hill, Mrs Davies


Our first text of the term is called ‘Look Up’ and during this unit children will be writing sentences using capital letters at the beginning and a full stop at the end of each one. They will learn about the conjunction ’and’ and begin to use it in their writing. Children in Year 2 will use adjectives to write expanded noun phrases and begin to use the conjunction ’because’.  Our second text is ‘The Great Fire of London’. During this unit the children will learn about the spelling rule of adding –s and –es to make a plural.  The year 2 children will learning how to add –ly to adjectives to make them into adverbs and use commas in a list.


Year 1 – Beginning with place value the children will learn how to count objects, count forwards and backwards, say one more and one less than a given number and compare numbers to 10. They will then look at fact families and bonds to 10. By this point the children will be able to write number sentences and develop strategies on how to complete them.

Year 2 – During the first unit of place value the children will be recognising tens and ones, partitioning and comparing and order numbers to 100. Following on from this the children will recap their bonds to 10 and apply this to bonds to 20 and 100. We will then spend some time learning how to add and subtract two, two digit numbers, crossing and not crossing a multiple of ten. The year 2s will also begin to learn their 2,5 and 10 times tables.


Science this term is learning about the use of everyday materials and their properties and seasonal changes. The second half term will be living and non-living, the characteristics of living things and animals including humans. They will also learn about some famous scientist and carry out a variety of experiments.

Geography and History

In History the children will be looking at personal chronology and creating their own time lines by finding out about the past within living memory  as they examine photographs and ask questions. In Geography, we will be locating where we live on an aerial photograph and recognising features within a local context. Following on from this we will create maps using classroom objects before drawing simple maps of the school grounds.

Art and D&T

In Art we will using storybook illustration as a stimulus, children will develop their mark-making by exploring a wider range of tools and experiment with creating texture to add detail to drawings. In D&T we will be practising our food preparation skills, carry out taste testing and ingredient choices to make a smoothie.


We will be exploring what I.T. is and how it is used safely. We will also have 2 e-safety lessons this term.


This term the children will be practising their skills as they send and receive balls and improve their co-ordinations during target games. After half term the children will move onto dance and ball skills as they aim to hit a target, dribble, kick and throw a ball to a partner.


This term the children will be learning the religion of Judaism.


Our Music lessons this term are based around Senses and Oceans.





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