Year 1/Year 2 Class
Teacher: Mrs Leonard
Teaching assistants: Mrs Hill, Mrs Davies
Our first text will be the Dragon Machine. We will practise writing a variety of
sentences using the correct punctuation, re-reading and editing our work. We
will continue to build upon our knowledge of conjunctions and suffixes. . The
children will be exposed to new vocabulary to support their writing of expanded
noun phrases. We will use the structure of the text to write our own dragon
story. The second text is ‘My name is not Refugee’. We will revisit the skills
listed above but the Year 2 children will be introduced to using apostrophes.
Year 1 – Children will use their knowledge of place value to 10 to work on
numbers to 20, this will including counting, ordering and comparing. They will
have sufficient knowledge to move onto addition and subtraction, including
doubles and number bonds.
Year 2 – We will continue learning how to multiply and divide using equipment
and the ‘cookie method’ as a useful strategy, then moving on to measuring
length and height in centimetres. Mass, weight and capacity will be the last
topic of the term.
Science this term is learning about plants. The children will observe and
describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. By the end of the topic
they will be able to describe how plants need water, light and a suitable
temperature to grow and stay healthy.
Geography and History
In History, we will find about schools including Minsterley school in the past
and compare and contrast it to the school as it is today. We will share a variety
of sources to look at the past and the present.
In Geography, the children will be introduced to the continents and the climate
zones to locate hot and cold places with a focus on the North and South Pole
and Kenya. During this comparison we will focus on weather and human and
physical features.
Art and D&T
In Art we will be manipulating and joining clay to make a pinch pot and develop
different marks that we can make in the clay to design and make a
house. In D&T we will be practising our sewing and joining skills to make
a pouch.
We will be exploring programming and how to use data to create a pictogram.
As in the previous term, the children will also have 2 e-safety lessons.
This term the children will be practising their gymnastic and team building
This term the children will be learning the religion of Christianity.
Our Music lessons this term are based around The Carnival of the Animals.