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Year 4/ Year 5 Class


Teacher: Mrs Holloway

Teaching assistant: Miss Lewis, Mr Crippin and Mrs Merrett

In English this term we will be mainly writing myths linked to the book ‘Arthur
and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. This will be followed by recount and
biography writing based around the book ‘The Darkest Dark’ by Chris Hadfield.
Our main focus in English will be on sentence structure where we will ensure we
punctuate sentences correctly and we are confident at using a wide range of
sentence types.
In maths we will move onto written multiplication and division. Later in the term
we will cover fractions, decimals and percentages. A significant amount of our
maths this year will rely on us knowing our multiplication facts so we will be
working very hard on our times tables through teaching and using the home
school apps Times Tables Rock Stars and Maths Shed with the aim of improving
speed and accuracy. The more your child practises the times tables facts
the easier they will find the maths this year!
Our first topic is called ‘What did the Greeks ever do for us?’ with a
particular focus on Greek Gods, democracy and philosophy. We will then
move on to ‘Are all settlements the same? Where we will be studying key
physical and human characteristics of a range of settlements along with other
skills such as mapping and collecting data.
Science, DT, Art and Computing
Our first science topic is’ Forces’ where we learn about: gravity, air resistance,
water resistance and friction. Also we will explore levers, pulleys and gears. the
second half term we will look at ‘Properties and Changes to Materials’ where we
will learn about: various properties of material, and know that some materials
will dissolve to form a solution. We will also investigate: how mixtures might be
separated, reversible changes and the formation of new materials. In design
and technology we are going to design and create an electronic poster to
provide information on a particular subject. In art we are going to learn various
drawing techniques linked to the subject of space. Stiperstones will continue to
look at e-safety and how to be safe online. Alongside this we will be looking at
vector drawings and flat file databases.
In Stiperstones we have a mini challenge to see who can read the most
‘Top 20 recommended reads’. The list of these books can be found
inside your child’s Reading Record. Alongside these books there is a wide range
of books for your child to choose from in class. In school, we provide daily
reading opportunities, some of which are guided where we focus on the
following skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and
summarising. We are going to be reading ‘The Wild Robot’. Also we will look at a
range of non-fiction texts linked to the Greeks, settlements and our science
topics. For those children who require further support with their reading they
will take part in additional reading sessions as much as possible.
In PSHE we will cover ‘dangers, risks, hazards and how to keep ourselves safe.
Plus our rights, how to be healthy and money management. In French we will be
enjoying the topics ’Numbers, Calendars and Birthdays. Then moving onto the
topic of ‘Weather’. Whereas PE this term we will be doing hockey, outdoor
activities, gymnastics, netball and tennis. Within RE we will have a focus on
Christians and the impact of Pentecost.

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