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Year 5/ Year 6 Class


Teacher: Mr Bell

Teaching assistants: Mrs Bromley

In English we will be basing our writing around various different Greek
Myths. We will write a diary entry using the story of Icarus and Daedalus
as our inspiration before reading many more myths. The children will then
write their own myths with horrific beasts, noble warriors and a sprinkling
of magic from the Greek Gods and Goddesses. This will be followed by the
book ‘The Day War Came’ by Nicola Davies with the main focus on writing a
persuasive letter. Throughout the term, we will also be looking at a variety
of punctuation and grammar that Upper Key Stage 2 children should be
In maths we will begin with the place value of decimals and decimals with
integers. Once the children have mastered this, we will move onto adding,
subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals. Later in the term, we will
cover decimal, fraction and percentage equivalents before going
on to finding percentages of amounts. In the second part of the
term, we will look at perimeter, area, volume and converting
different units of measure.
Our first topic is called ‘What did the Greeks ever do for us?’ with a
particular focus on Greek Gods, democracy and philosophy. We will then
move on to ‘Are all settlements the same?’ Where we will be studying key
physical and human characteristics of a range of settlements along with
other skills such as mapping and collecting data.
Science, DT, Art and Computing
Our first science topic is ‘Animals including Humans’
where we will learn about: the circulatory system,
what is in our blood, how the heart works and
lifestyle choices to keep us healthy. In the
second half term, we will look at ’Electricity’
where we learn about: different components in an electrical
circuit, how these can be affected by the voltage in a battery and applying
these to complete scientific enquiries. In design and technology, we are
going to work with ‘microbits’ in order to create a navigation tool. In art, we
are going to work around the theme of ’painting and mixed media’ and look
at the work of various different artists. Long Mynd will learn about
programming and how to use variables in a computer program.
In Long Mynd, we have a mini challenge to see who can read the most ‘Top
20 recommended reads’. The list of these books can be found
inside your child’s Reading Record. Alongside these books there
is a wide range of books for your child to choose from in class.
In school, we provide daily reading opportunities, some of which
are guided where we focus on the following skills: vocabulary,
inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising.
We are going to be reading ‘Wonder. Also we will look at a range
of non-fiction texts linked to the Greeks, settlements and our
science topics. For those children who require further support with their
reading they will take part in additional reading sessions as much as
In PSHE we will discuss and cover behaving safely online, medicines and
other drugs, and their rights—linking in with democracy.. Long Mynd class
will continue with ukulele lessons. In French we will cover a variety of
classroom instructions, family and sport. Whereas PE this term will be
OAA, gymnastics, tennis and netball. Within RE, we will have a focus on

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