Year 2/ Year 3 Class
Teacher: Mrs Kinnersley and Mrs Prophet
Teaching assistants: Mrs Simpson
This term we will be starting with an information book ‘The
Fossil Girl’ by Katherine Brighton which is all about Mary
Anning, the famous fossil collector.
The children will be using the story
to write their own version through
the point of view of the main
character. Later on in the term, we
will focus on a story book called ’The Silence Seeker’ by Ben
Morley. The children will write their own stories after
exploring the themes and ideas in in the book. Throughout
the term, children will be working on sentence work using
examples of ’super sentences.’ The children will still be
focussing on their spellings using sessions of phonics and
Spelling Shed to support them.
To start the year, the children will be
learning about ‘Length and Perimeter’. We
will the move on to ’Fractions’ and ‘Mass and
Capacity.’ We will also be developing and
practising arithmetic skills in class every day. This will help
the children to build confidence and fluency in carrying out
mental and written calculations. The children will continue to
work on their Times Tables using TTRS. As with the rest of
the year, the children should be practising their times tables
regularly using TTRS at home as they are encouraged to do
so in school. TTRS knowledge will be invaluable when the
children learn about fractions.
Our focus for Science will be ‘Forces and
Magnets.’ Children will compare how things
move on different surfaces, notice that some
forces need contact between 2 objects, but
magnetic forces can act at a distance, observe
how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials
and not others, compare and group together a variety of everyday
materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet,
and identify some magnetic materials, describe magnets as having 2
poles predict whether 2 magnets will attract or repel each other,
depending on which poles are facing.
Later in the term, we will focus on ‘Rocks’ where the children
will compare and group together different kinds of rocks on
the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties,
describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things
that have lived are trapped within rock and
recognise that soils are made from rocks
and organic matter.
Our history focus will be on Ancient Greece
where the children will be finding out about
how the achievements of the Ancient Greeks influence our lives
and culture today. In geography, the children will be learning
about different types of settlements. Other areas will be
‘Creating media, Data and Information’ in Computing;
Gymnastics and OAA in P.E. In French we will be learning
about numbers and how to talk about a French classroom. In
PSHE the theme is Keeping Safe