Reception/Year 1 Class
Teacher: Mrs Roberts and Miss Thomas
TAs: Mrs Middle, Mrs Speake, Mr Crippin and Mrs Tilley
English We really enjoy stories in Clee Class and have a lovely
book corner with a wonderful selection of books for fiction,
topic interest, poems and tales. This term we are starting our
theme reading Funnybones and Penguin. Our book focus fosters enjoyment
of reading, listening to story language and developing imaginative play,
including small world and role-play. Year One continue to practise sentence
structure, spellings, punctuation and grammar. The children develop their
expressive and descriptive vocabulary.
Phonics Clee Class will continue with daily phonic sessions. As the children
develop their phonic knowledge, they will become more
confident to segment and blend the linked reading books to
share at home. This term, we will be working through digraphs.
We regularly review our practised phonemes, alongside our
writing activity books for guided letter formation. The children enjoy
practising their mark-making with various media and tools during continuous
play and creative opportunities.
Maths Reception will gradually work on numbers to 10, exploring how these
numbers are made (composition). They will continue to
practise using their subitising skills to support their
learning. Children will use a range of resources to enable
them to develop a secure understanding of number
Year One will also use visual and practical equipment to support their
understanding. The children will continue to practise their subitising skills for
secure number bond facts.
Science This term we will observe seasonal changes, as Winter turns to
Spring. This includes weather watching and signs of new growth with our
planted bulbs, as the term continues. Forest School provides further
environmental learning in support of Science. Animals, including Humans will
be our Year One theme, as we sort and compare groups of animals for
classification. The children develop their investigative vocabulary including
enquiry questioning.
Topic We will be focusing on the question: ‘Would you prefer to live in a hot
or cold place?’ in Geography. In History, we will be finding out about school
life in the Victorian times. (Year 1)
Music will be linked to our animal theme, starting with ‘Walking in the Jungle
and Art will be focusing on paper play – looking at sculpture.
We look forward to creating structures for Design Technology.
PSHE will be focussing on Keeping Safe and Rights and
Respect. This includes online safety and healthy choices.
R.E. We will consider Special Places and towards the end of the Spring Term
we will look at the Festival of Easter.