Year 5/ Year 6 Class
Teacher: Mr Bell
Teaching assistants: Mrs Bromley
In English we will be basing our writing around the book adaptation of ‘King
Kong’ by Anthony Browne with the main focus being on writing an action
story. This will be followed by the book ‘The Place for Me: Stories About
the Windrush Generation’ by K.M. Chimbiri with the main focus on writing
an information leaflet. Throughout the term, we will also be looking at a
variety of punctuation and grammar that Upper Key Stage 2 children should
be using.
In maths we will begin with place value which is one of the most important
areas of maths. Once the children have mastered this we will move onto
addition and subtraction of increasingly larger numbers. Later in the term,
we will cover written multiplication and division and try to use our
knowledge to be able to solve problems. In the second part of the term, we
will look at fractions and we will be learning about mixed numbers
and multiplying and dividing with fractions. Even though the
children in Long Mynd have completed their statutory times
tables test in Year 4, their recall of their times tables is still
vitally important as it applies to so much of the maths objectives
covered in Year 5 and 6. Times Tables Rock Stars and Maths
Shed with the aim of improving speed and accuracy.
Our history topic is ‘What was life like during Tudor times?’
where we will be looking at various sources of evidence to enable
us to answer this question. As part of our work, we will be
visiting Harvington Hall. In geography we will investigate the
geographical features of the Antarctic and improve our map
skills. We will also look at the adventurer Ernest Shackleton.
Science, DT, Art and Computing
Our first science topic is ‘Earth and Space’ where we will learn
about: the planets of our solar system and their movement around
the sun, the movement of the moon around the Earth and the concepts of
day and night. In the second half term we will look at ’Light’ where we learn
about: light travelling in straight lines, how we actually see and why shadows
are the same shape as the object that is blocking the light. In design and
technology we are going to work electrical systems to work with ‘doodlers’.
In art we are going to work around the theme of ’Architecture’. Long Mynd
will learn about searching the web effectively and how search engines rank
results before looking into what makes a good webpage.
In Long Mynd, we have a mini challenge to see who can read the most ‘Top
20 recommended reads’. The list of these books can be found inside your
child’s Reading Record. Alongside these books there is a wide range of
books for your child to choose from in class. In school, we provide daily
reading opportunities, some of which are guided where we
focus on the following skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction,
explanation, retrieval and summarising. We are going to start
the term with a book called ’Holes’ by Louis Sachar. Plus we will
look at a range of non-fiction texts linked to the Tudors and
the Antarctic amongst some short fiction pieces too.
In PSHE we will discuss and cover team work, feelings, solving friendship
problems, behaving and acting appropriately, respecting differences and
challenging gender stereotypes. Long Mynd class will continue with ukulele
lessons. In French we will cover family and sport. Whereas PE this term will
be football, tag rugby, hockey and dance. Within RE, we will have a focus on