During the year, we ask that children work on three important aspects at home for their homework. These are: Reading, Spelling and Times Tables. These are all focussed and taught in class during the week and when revisited and practised at home it supports the children’s learning and progress enormously.
Reading: We encourage all children to enjoy reading for pleasure. During the week the aim is complete 4 reads at home. This should be recorded in the Home/School Link book by an adult and handed in every Friday. If 4 reads are completed each week, the children get a star sticker on their bookmark and a Classdojo point. Once the children have obtained 4 stickers they are awarded a small prize. Once your child has finished reading their book, they are encouraged to change it (which they do independently) and complete an Accelerated Reader quiz. As parents, you can track their progress and achievements in the quizzes.
Spelling: Spellings will be set every Monday on Spelling Shed and it is expected all children complete 15 games online. Classdojo points are awarded for children who complete all 15 games. www.spellingshed.com
Times Tables: Times Tables homework will be set every Friday on Times Tables Rock Stars and it is expected that all children will complete 15 games online. Classdojo points are awarded for children who complete all 15 games. The aim of doing Times Tables is that it not only supports your child with other areas of maths but that they know their times tables facts fluently by the time they are Year 4. Your child also has access to Maths Shed to support many other maths skills throughout the curriculum. www.ttrs.com www.mathsshed.com
Completing the homework regularly helps your child prepare for their next stage in Primary School as well as Secondary School. It encourages them to take on the responsibility themselves for their own learning and progress.
If you have any questions about the homework or need help accessing any of the online resources, please ask.