Please click here for this weeks Minsterley Monday
School News
Drums with Mr Maher
Each week Mr Maher comes in from Shropshire Music Service to teach some of our pupils the drums. They have made fantastic progress and there will be a drumming assembly on Wednesday 15th November at 2pm. Please contact Shropshire Music Services if you would like lessons for you child.
Here is a video of one of our Year 3 pupils getting ready for the assembly.
Rapid Relief Team
We have kindly been visited by the Rapid Relief Team today who have donated 10 food boxes for our families. To find more about Rapid Relief Team please click the link below.
New Balance Bikes!
Shropshire Council are partnering with The Bikeability Trust to trial a new approach to cycle training in schools. We have had the opportunity to be part of this exciting pilot programme and train members of staff up to deliver training to our pupils in school. We have just received 6 new balance bikes for our children to learn to cycle!
Parent Reading Workshop
Thank you to all the parents that attended the reading workshop this morning. If you could take a moment of your time to complete the feedback for on the link below it would be most helpful.
Singing Assembly
We have been learning some new songs in our singing assembly this week.