
Spellings will be sent home on Wednesdays. The spellings can also be viewed on Class Dojo plus your child can log on to www.spellingshed.com to practise. Your child will receive a Dojo point for completing their spelling assignment on Spelling Shed or by practising their spellings 4 times in their book by the following Wednesday.

Times Tables homework will be set on Wednesdays using Times Tables Rock Stars  https://ttrockstars.com/login (please ask if you prefer a paper copy). Your child will receive a Dojo point for completing all set games on Times Tables Rock Stars or completing the paper version by the following Wednesday.

Reading at home for pleasure on a regular basis is vital and research has shown that regular reading is a powerful factor in achievement in later life. For every four signed reads per week in your child’s Reading Record book they will receive one Dojo point. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Your child can change their book as soon as they have finished reading it.   

Reading Teddy

We have a new class teddy! Each week a child will be chosen to take the teddy home. This teddy loves to be read to and enjoys lots of cuddles. Teddy will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday.

Show and Tell

We will not be doing ‘show and tell’ this year. Of course if children get something special they want to bring to share with the class that would be lovely. For example certificates, postcards, some writing etc.