Homework expectations in Stiperstones class

We ask that children work on three basic skills at home – reading, spellings and times tables. These are all taught in school but require lots of practise both in school and at home!

Reading Aim to complete 4 reads (20 minutes or more per read) a week at home. Record this in the Reading Record—hand this in on Friday morning. If 4 reads per week are completed and recorded, one Dojo point will be awarded. Your child can change their book as soon as they have finished reading it or if they are not enjoying it. As soon as your child has finished their ’take home’ book they can take an Accelerated Reader quiz. Using a unique parent login (please ask me if you require a login) you can track the achievements of your child in these quizzes.  It is sometimes possible for children to take quizzes on books that you have purchased/borrowed.   

Spellings will be set on Tuesdays as 15 online games on Spelling Shed www.spellingshed.com, Your child will receive a Dojo point for completing their spelling assignment on Spelling Shed by Tuesday. Children can also complete this on paper if they prefer.

Times Tables homework will be set on Fridays using Times Tables Rock Stars  https://ttrockstars.com/login. Your child will receive a Dojo point for completing all set games on Times Tables Rock Stars by the following Friday. This can be completed on paper if they prefer. Your child also has access to Maths Shed if they wish, which offers a chance to work on various maths skills. The aim is for your child to know all the times tables facts fluently by the end of Year 4.

There is access to online homework resources during most lunch times if needed, but this relies on your child choosing to do this.

All homework will be rewarded with a Dojo point each week so this will enable you to keep track of how much is being completed. Completing homework regularly is helping your child to prepare for Secondary school and also encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning and progress.


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